Madeira’s IEA (Interscholastic Equestrian Association) team had an excellent showing during the IEA Zone 3, Region 10 Regional Finals on February 3. The riders scored highly, both as a team and individually, earning a place to compete at IEA Region 3 Zone Finals as a team.
The following students represented the team in competition:
- Caroline Ashe-Donnem ’24, 2nd novice fences, 1st novice flat
- Audrey Blocher ’26, 6th open fences
- Maddie Santos ’25, 5th open flat
- Helen Taylor ’24, 1st intermediate fences, 4th intermediate flat
Senior Caroline Ashe-Donnem had a bit of a wild start to Regionals. "During my first ride, I pulled a horse from a different barn than the one where we were competing. Because he was unfamiliar with his surroundings, he was freaking out! Frito wouldn't stop screaming and could not stand still. Despite this, I kept a level head and did my best to ignore the crazy horse under me. In the end, I got 2nd place in the class and qualified for Zones!"
11th grader Maddie Santos has been on the team for three years. She reflects on the experience, sharing, “My favorite part of Regionals this year (as well as the other years) is just competing and hanging out with my friends and team.” She continues, “Nothing beats the ‘we made it’ feeling that goes along with qualifying for Regionals (and Zones)!”
In addition to the team competition, five students qualified to compete at Regional Finals as individuals, all placing in the Top 6 in their class:
- Caroline Ashe-Donnem ’24, 3rd novice fences, 4th novice flat
- Reagan Collins ’24, 2nd intermediate flat
- Caroline Del Corso ’25, 6th intermediate flat
- Helen Taylor ’24, 1st intermediate fences, 3rd intermediate flat
- Audrey Weland ’27, 1st novice fences
The feeling of team spirit is strong with Madeira riders. Caroline Del Corso, who just completed her third season on the team, states that, “My favorite moments from IEA are always being with the team, whether that's the bus ride there, eating lunch with everyone, or even helping one of my teammates get on their horse and shining their boots! My favorite moment this year was riding the most perfect pony who was so sweet and such a joy to ride.”
Sophomore Audrey Blocher agrees that teamwork is a significant part of riding on Madeira's IEA. "When a teammate is mounting a ride in their class, Coach Grice will be talking with the rider while another teammate cleans their boots before they go into the show ring. We all work together as a team." Blocher has been on the team for four years, including two seasons during middle school.
Riders Helen Taylor ‘24, Reagan Collins ‘24, and Audrey Weland ‘27 qualified for Zone Finals as individuals, by finishing 1st or 2nd in their respective classes.
Reagan Collins gives some insight, "To prepare for zones I am doing lots of no-stirrups practice on my horse and riding school horses on the weekends."
The team and qualified individual riders will compete in the IEA Zone 3 Finals in mid-March at the Virginia Horse Center in Lexington, VA.
Coach Malinda Grice discusses her mindset going into Zones, stating, "I am very proud of how hard the students worked and how much they improved this season. My goal for Zones is that everyone is able to ride their personal best and have a fun experience with their teammates."
We wish them luck. Go, go, Escargot!
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