Madeira's Rock Climbing team completed their undefeated 2023-2024 competition season with a Championship win at Movement Crystal City, where 12 schools in the Washington Area Interscholastic Climbing League (WAICL) competed on February 9. Madeira became the first school in league history to win back-to-back championships. Climbers had two hours to turn in their two best-completed top rope and boulder climbs, a test of endurance, strength, flexibility, and mental toughness. The environment is positive and uplifting to all athletes.
Madeira's final score of 203 points put them more than 10 points ahead of the second-place teams (a tie between Episcopal and National Cathedral School). Standout performances were given by Simi Singh ‘27 (5th place overall, 49 points) and Dorothy Woods ‘26 (6th place overall, 48 points). Emily Ramirez ‘24 (senior captain) and Asta Smitt-Jeppesen ‘24 led the team in the top rope portion of the competition, both completing two 5.11- climbs. Returning climbers Ellie Kluger ‘25 (junior captain) and Lorelei Pfaff ‘25 rounded out the team's performance with completed V4 and V3 boulder problems. Ellie spoke about how proud she was of her team, “I am incredibly proud of our entire team - all 12 of us scored for varsity this year. It was truly a team effort. Representing Madeira and winning as a Snail is a feeling I’ll chase for the rest of my time here and never forget.”
Coach Alena Pacheco described her feelings about the season: “I am so proud of the team! An undefeated season and a championship repeat victory. They make climbing look truly effortless, but everyone put in so much hard work over the course of the season. They should be very proud of their dedication and efforts this season.”
#MadeAtMadeira #MadeiraAthletics #MadeiraRockClimbing