Congratulations on your acceptance to Madeira! Below are some helpful links and a timeline to guide you and your family through the enrollment and registration process. 

New Snail Families Checklist
Spring & Summer Communications
Important Dates 2025-2026


- Join us for our Revisit Program for Accepted Students

- Submit your signed enrollment agreement & deposit

  • For more information, please visit our Enrollment page. The deadline to enroll is March 21 for day students & April 10 for boarding students.

- Review the 2025-26 Important Dates calendar

- Consider transportation service options (day students)

  • Madeira offers a limited bus/van transportation service for students throughout the Washington, D.C. metro area. Transportation route options for the upcoming school year can be found on the Transportation Program page. Space is limited. Sign-up in the Parent Portal by May 1.

- Upload your photo in the Student Portal

  • As a new Madeira student, you'll want to make sure your "headshot" is included in our Student Directory - it's really helpful for figuring out who is who as you make new friends!  Photos should be portrait-style and can be uploaded in the Student Portal. (Click on your name in the top right corner and select "Profile")

- Print out the New Families Checklist

- Submit documentation for I-20 form (international students)

  • Madeira will provide an I-20 form for enrolled international students who need to apply for an F-1 student visa to enter the United States. After enrollment, you will need to provide additional documentation in the Parent Portal (passport and bank statement copies).
  • I-20 forms will be emailed to parents within three weeks of receipt of the required documentation. Contact Katie Fotofili with any questions at (+1) 703-556-8325 or [email protected].

- Set up your Madeira network accounts

  • You will receive a series of emails in late April from the IT department with instructions on how to set up your Madeira email account and Canvas Learning account. It is very important that you complete these tasks in a timely manner. From this point on, we will communicate with you via your Madeira email.
  • We are a "Bring Your Own Device" school - please review our device requirements

- Begin your academic registration process

  • Your family will receive an email from the Academic Office in late April with details about this multi-step process, including the timeline for completing forms in the Portal, taking placement tests, and scheduling a meeting with our Academic Dean.
  • In the meantime, take a look at the 2025-26 Course Catalog.
  • Submit your D Block Agreement in the Student Portal


- Register for transportation service (day students)

- Take placement tests in Canvas

  • Language and Math placement tests are completed online through Canvas between April 30 - May 7. There is no need to prepare in advance for the placement tests. 
  • The placement test link will be emailed to your new Madeira email address by the Academic Office.
  • Please contact [email protected] if you have questions.

- Schedule your physical and begin completing health & wellness forms

  • Madeira requires all students to submit health & wellness forms (including a completed physical form) by July 1 unless otherwise specified. All 2025-26 forms will be available in the Health Portal and/or Parent Portal in late May. Look for important communication from the Health and Wellness Center.

- Submit Records Release Form to current school​

  • Madeira's School Records Coordinator must receive a copy of your student's final transcript and test scores for the 2024-25 school year from their current school by August 15 in order to begin classes.

- Receive I-20 form (international students)

  • International families who have submitted the required documents will receive their I-20 form via email from the Admissions Office by late May. Students will need this to apply for their F-1 visa.

- Volunteer to assist international students 

  • Our international students bring unique experiences and perspectives to Madeira’s classrooms and advance our global understanding. We want to ensure we are doing our utmost to welcome them into our community and set them up for success. Local Madeira families can volunteer in numerous ways, big and small. If you are interested in learning more, please fill out our Expression of Interest Form.  


- Complete Impact Testing (all Fall athletes)

  • All students participating in our fall athletic program must complete impact testing. Look for communication from the Athletics Department in June with further details. (Students will not be allowed to participate in athletics until they have completed Impact Testing.)

- Order Fall athletics apparel (all Fall athletes)

  • All students participating in our Fall athletic program are required to order gear through the team stores by July 15. Look for communication from the Athletics Department with links and additional information. 

- Submit health & wellness forms

  • These forms must be received by July 1 unless otherwise specified. Forms will be available in the Health Portal and/or Parent Portal.

- Complete arrival forms/surveys sent by Student Life & Culture Office

  • More information coming soon.

- Find Madeira Neighbors (for Carpooling)

  • Here's how to use the "Directories" resource in the Parent Portal.


- Reminder: Order Fall athletics apparel (all Fall athletes)

  • Fall athletes must order gear through the team stores by July 15. Team stores will be closed after July 15. Look for communication from the Athletics Department. (Not ordering by the deadline could cause a delay in receiving gear.)

- Order books/supplies once schedules are posted

  • Book ordering information and supplies lists available on Canvas.
  • Requests for schedule adjustments (including D block changes) must be made via the Portal by August 8

- Reminder: Upload your photo for the Student Directory

  • Photos should be portrait-style and can be uploaded in the Student Portal. (Click on your name in the top right corner and select "Profile")

- Receive health insurance information (international students)

  • International students who purchased Madeira's health insurance (GeoBlue) will receive policy information via email sent to students and parents by the end of July. Physical cards will be given to students upon arrival in August. Insurance coverage begins August 1st.


- Review the Student/Parent Handbook

  • Parents and students are expected to review the handbook annually; the Handbook is available in the Portal.

- Review your schedule in the Student/Parent Portal

  • Requests for schedule adjustments (including D block changes) must be made by August 8 

- Reminder: Submit your final transcript

- Attend Tryouts & Orientation!

  • View the detailed schedule for Tryouts, Move-in, Orientation & First Day of Classes (Coming soon)