The Madeira Equestrian IEA Team finished regular season competition on January 12, 2025. After a very successful season, the Team and Madeira's individual qualifiers will head to IEA Zone 3, Region 10 Finals on Sunday, February 9th, at Morven Park Equestrian Center in Leesburg, VA.
Audrey Blocher ’26, Maddie Santos ’25, Abby Shaw ’25, Audrey Weland ’27, Madison Thomas ’26, and Stella Jolly ’28 will be representing Madeira in Team classes. Weland, Thomas, Jolly, and Maya Watson ’28 have qualified to compete in individual classes.
The two teams with the highest scores and the top two in each individual class will move on to the Zone 3 Finals held in March at the Virginia Horse Center in Lexington, VA.
Congratulations to all the riders who competed this year and best of luck to the Madeira Snails participating at Regionals in a few weeks. Go, go, Escargot!