Elle and Representative Andrea Salinas
More than 100 years after the founding of The Madeira School, we continue to prepare students to “launch” as well-rounded, creative, and prepared citizens through Madeira’s unique Co-Curriculum internship experience. Madeira is the only school in the nation that provides 100% of our students with three amazing five-week internships prior to high school graduation. Today we’re going to hear from one of the juniors in the Class of 2026, Elle Ruggiero.
Madeira: Please briefly introduce yourself.
I am Elle Ruggiero. I am a junior Day student and a member of the editorial team of Gate, Madeira's literary magazine.
Madeira: Describe a typical day working in the Congresswoman's office.
On a typical day, I would arrive at 9:00 am and sign in to the computer. There was an extensive sign-in process with a VPN fob to protect the network's security. Then, I would sort constituent emails into different batches to be responded to. While doing that, I would wait by the phone to take constituent calls. These calls could be anything from a request for tickets to the inauguration to a complaint about the Representative. At first, I was nervous, but it became easier the more I did it. Most callers had genuinely good intentions. After the call was over, I would log the caller's information into the system so they could get a response. At twelve, I would take an hour-long lunch break before coming back and performing any odd jobs my supervisor needed me to do. Sometimes I would create summaries of the daily news or move boxes to the storage facility. I would go home at 3:15 every day.
Representative Janelle Bynum and Madeira's Head of School, Mrs. Christina Kyong
Madeira: What was the most memorable moment from your time working on Capitol Hill?
My most memorable moment on Capitol Hill was meeting Representative-elect Janelle Bynum, a Madeira alum recently elected to Oregon's 5th District. She was introducing herself to the other Oregon representatives that day, and she happened to come into the office when I had some downtime. After she had conversed with Representative Salinas, I introduced myself. She was so kind and gave me a big "snail hug!"
Madeira: What are some of the biggest takeaways from your internship?
This internship has been helpful for introducing me to work in a typical office environment. I realized I do not want to work in policy, even though I enjoyed my time there. I trust myself as an intern but not as a decision maker. I also realized I may be more suited to an eight-to-four than a nine-to-five. While it was nice to have time in the morning, I think I would have appreciated it more in the afternoon if I worked full days.
Madeira: Anything else you'd like to share about your Co-Curriculum experience?
If I had to give future interns advice, it would be to try to start networking early in the five-week period. I did not make my connections quick enough, so it was difficult to set up meetings in the last two weeks.