Command Through Diplomacy
#MadeAtMadeira Achievement

This past weekend, February 2-4, 2024, Madeira’s Model United Nations (MUN) team traveled to American University in Washington, DC, to attend the AmeriMUNC conference. This year’s theme? “The African Century.” 

Madeira’s students engaged in simulations as real-life governmental figures, including Alexandre Dias Monterio (Minister of Industry, Commerce and Energy) in the Cabinet of Cape Verde and Jared Bernstein (Chair of the United States Council of Economic Advisors). These roles tap into students' abilities to research, negotiate, build partnerships, and more. 

Michelle Liu ‘26, who portrayed Monterio, has participated in MUN for two years and states, “The most rewarding aspect of MUN is being able to connect with others and build skills such as diplomacy and leadership through real-world scenarios. During my time on Madeira's MUN team, I have met so many new friends through conferences as well as in D block. I also have had the opportunity to chair and participate in mock committees, which has helped me become more aware of global issues and solutions. Being able to have the support system that MUN provides has helped me become a better speaker, writer, and leader and I am so grateful to spend my winter season in Model UN!” 

The skills students develop through Model UN extend far beyond the conference room and simulated world events. “The biggest lesson I have learned throughout my time in Model UN is how to command a room with diplomacy. I am sure this will be a useful skill to have in the future, especially as our world becomes more interconnected and multicultural.” This insight comes from Olivia Tse ‘25, who has lent her skills to the MUN team for her entire Madeira career and took on the persona of Bernstein at the recent conference. 

“Model UN has helped further my interest in politics and inter-cultural relations,” Olivia continued. “The simulations I have participated in through Model UN have helped me refine my public speaking and leadership skills.” 

Public speaking and leadership skills benefit students long after they leave Madeira, as they go on to obtain leadership roles in college, prestigious job placements, meaningful volunteer roles, and more. Ella Boylen ‘26, who portrayed Chilean architect Alejandro Aravena at the conference, thinks that MUN has had a significant impact on her life outside academics as well, noting “I am much more confident than before and have acquired more leadership positions as a result. Model UN keeps me up to date with global issues, and participating in conferences allows me to discover a new topic and to become very knowledgeable about it.” 

A final congratulations to the entire team (listed below) and to Mishka Raja ’25 for bringing home a Diplomacy Award! 

2023-24 Madeira MUN Team: 

Vaishnavi Alapati ‘27, Varsha Ayala ‘27, Maya Birem-Morales ‘25, Ella Boylen ‘26, Hayley Chan ‘27, Isabella Cuttica ‘25, Juliana Dinarte ‘27, Selma Heindl ‘25, Zara Jackson ‘26, Cayden-Rose Johnson ‘26, Mia Karisik ‘27, Michelle Liu ‘26, Madeline Madden ‘26, Ruqing “Amy” Mei ‘25, Myla Mencia ‘27, Mishka Raja ‘25, Mojisolaoluwa Rufai ‘26, Harper Morris ‘27, Sofia Skvaruk ‘25, Olivia Tirol ‘27, Anna Trent ‘26, Olivia Tse ‘25 

#MadeAtMadeira #MadeiraLeads #MadeiraActivities #MadeiraMUN

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