Senior Travels to Caribbean as Vet's First High School Intern
Co-Curriculum Academics

Our signature program continues to provide all Madeira students with amazing internships and valuable experience in the working world. In honor of World Wildlife Day, Lola Hakimi '24 shared some highlights from her recent Co-Curriculum Mod.

Madeira: Where did you intern and how were you matched with that location?

Lola: I interned for Nevis Animal Speak (NAS), a non-profit small animal hospital located on the island of Nevis in the Caribbean. NAS was started back in April 2019 and is the only small animal clinic on the island of Nevis, with only one main veterinarian. They aim to provide at or below-cost medical care for cats and dogs and spread awareness about the humane treatment of animals. They also work hard on population and disease control on the island. Through my own initiative and the help of our Co-Curriculum office, I secured this placement. After researching the clinic, I realized that Nevis Animal Speak was everything that I wanted for my experience. After I reached out to the owner of the clinic and landed an interview, I was accepted as their first high school intern! 

Madeira: What was a memorable moment from your internship?

Lola: The most memorable was the first surgery I observed, a cystotomy where a bladder stone was removed from a dog. The adrenaline I felt from being so close to the operating table and observing the veterinarian’s skills confirmed my passion for the veterinary industry.

Madeira: What are some of the biggest takeaways from your internship?

Lola: “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” Trashed materials from local hospitals and facilities were repurposed to be used at the clinic. I learned just how far small things go at NAS.

Madeira: How did your internship impact your plans for the future?

Lola: I have always had a passion for veterinary medicine, but this internship affirmed my desire to pursue this interest starting at the undergraduate level. I plan to major in Animal and Veterinary Sciences and hopefully attend veterinary school in the future!

Madeira: Anything else you'd like to share about the experience?

Lola: Don’t be afraid to seek opportunities that you are passionate about. You never know what you might be able to experience! I am forever grateful to NAS for taking me on as their first high school intern.

Lola wears scrubs and smiles in the back portion of a vet clinic. A vet tech handles a dog on a metal table next to Lola.

#MadeAtMadeira #MadeiraInspired #MadeiraGrade12 #MadeiraCoCurriculum #MadeiraInternships #AnimalCare #CommunityServices #STEM

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