Playing Tunes, Serving Communities
#MadeAtMadeira Co-Curriculum

Building upon the foundation formed during first-year seminars, this is the first time sophomores leave campus to serve the community in small groups. Sophomores volunteer in area schools, non-profits, and federal programs. These sites represent under-served populations, children at risk, youth with disabilities, our community’s older citizens, and environmental causes.

As part of the Co-Curriculum program, Minna Xu ’25 and Abigail Shaw ’25 interned together at Chesterbrook Senior Residences during their sophomore year. During their time at Chesterbrook, students assisted senior residents with move-ins, participated in “sittercise” along with the residents, and accompanied residents during lunch. They also heard stories about the experiences of former professors, musicians, veterans, and others.

“When I volunteered at Chesterbrook,” Minna shared, “my favorite interaction was when a resident played us a song he produced, sang, and played nearly all the instrumentals for, titled ‘Out of Nowhere.’ It was genuinely one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard, and his talent inspired me to want to bring more music to Chesterbrook and share with the residents the musical talents Madeira students have to offer.”

Eager to stay in touch with the Chesterbrook community after the internship and create more fun events for the residents, Minna (co-head), Abigail , and Diane Nam ’25 (co-head) decided to bring their club, the Madeira Musicians Association (MMA), to Chesterbrook. During their recitals at Chesterbrook over the past two years, they have performed familiar favorites for the residents, such as Autumn Leaves, Gymnopedie No. 1, and Sonata in C by Haydn, as well as original songs written by Madeira students, duets, and more!

#MadeAtMadeira #MadeiraService #MadeiraGivingBack #MadeiraCoCurriculum #MadeiraMusic #CommunityServices #Arts

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