BSU Student Leader Learns in the Courtroom
#MadeAtMadeira Co-Curriculum

Tasheni Mpundu ‘24, known on campus as Tash, is a senior with ambition, drive, and a packed schedule. In addition to serving as a student leader for Madeira’s Black Student Union (BSU) and presenting at national conferences, Tash recently interned at the law office of D.M. Harris as part of the Co-Curriculum program. Her interest in law and public service, however, formed at a much earlier age.

“When I was nine and living in Kenya, I took a trip Zambia to experience my parents’ upbringing. However, it ultimately revealed a stark reality: the absence of fundamental necessities like food, housing, jobs, electricity, and feminine hygiene products within my parents’ community. Witnessing firsthand the detrimental effect on the entire community's well-being ignited my aspiration to pursue a career in law dedicated to representing underserved groups.”

The reality of working in a law office held its own surprises. “Scandal scammed me!” Tash exclaimed, describing law-focused television programs as “so dramatic.” She went on to explain, “I did not know that legal teams are aware of almost all the information their opposing team has during trials. This surprised me because I thought you could show up to trial with new information and leave everyone in the courtroom shocked. When I saw that on shows, I thought it was super fascinating, but my mentor, D.M. Harris, taught me how correspondence works with other law firms. I also did not know that many courtrooms are public, and I could go in if I wanted to.”

Matching students with companies for internships is the responsibility of the Co-Curriculum office. According to Ellie Peaks, the Assistant Director of Co-Curriculum responsible for senior internships, the process extends beyond the coordination of who can accommodate a high school student for five weeks. “The Co-Curriculum program works with organizations that have demonstrated an interest in aligning with Madeira’s mission of launching women who change the world through offering real-world internship experiences for our students. We are looking for organizations and supervisors that see the value that Co-Curriculum interns can bring to their work and that are interested in offering this valuable learning opportunity for our students to explore the working world in fields they are curious and passionate about.” 

Tash found her internship to be informative and formative, sharing, “Ms. Harris showed me firsthand what it means to be a solo practitioner and what that work environment looks like. I had the opportunity to read different cases, speak with clients, file cases, go to court, and write legal documents. I also got to learn a little bit of Latin since it is still used in the legal field.” 

In the best of circumstances, Madeira’s Co-Curriculum internships allow students to engage not only with their mentors, but also with the broader professional community within their chosen industries. Tash’s time with Ms. D.M. Harris was no exception. 

“Ms. Harris also allowed me to attend court and meet her mentor, Judge Aileen Oliver. I was able to go into the chambers and watch her docket that day, which was Domestic Violence and Protective Orders. She also introduced me to other judges and allowed me to watch their trials. This gave me exposure to what goes on inside the court in real life.” 

As Tash looks ahead to “real life” after Madeira’s graduation in May, the legal system continues to draw her interest. “I want to help underserved groups get representation, specifically legal representation. No one should be forgotten, and legal advice and representation should be accessible to all groups in the world, regardless of their class, race, gender, sexuality, and other identities, which create boundaries for some people.  With my global perspective, I strive to connect people from all walks of life and make a difference, both in and outside my community.” 

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