Madeira Student Interns at Lab in New York
Co-Curriculum #MadeAtMadeira

When Ava Donohue was contemplating where to complete her senior year Co-Curriculum internship, her hometown made a lot of sense. Ava grew up in Cold Spring Harbor, NY, and is interested in pursuing a career in science. The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) was the perfect match.

The CSHL is a research and education institution focusing on cancer, neuroscience, plant biology, and quantitative biology.

“I chose this internship because the chance to work at this lab was a tremendous opportunity,” Ava stated. “For the past few years, I have been considering vet work, but this internship was important because it presented different angles of lab work that I hadn’t considered previously. It gave me the chance to try it out.”

Ava collaborated with the former dean of the lab school, Dr. Alex Gann, who is doing a research project on the history of biology. Ava was able to gain experience in a number of areas, such as working with databases, organizing data, and hands-on learning from other research professionals. While she was an intern, there was a two-day in-house symposium where many researchers gave presentations.

“I loved the symposium. I learned so much and it was interesting to see what further years in biology and education look like. If I pursued a career track like that, I saw what I would potentially be doing - it was inspiring.”

Completing the internship away from Madeira gave her a chance to be independent, something she greatly appreciated.

“The independence I had during my internship experience was incredibly valuable. I had to learn how to budget my time in a workplace rather than at a school. It certainly prepared me for college and beyond.”

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