Madeira Teacher Receives University of Chicago Outstanding Educator Award
Achievement Faculty/Staff

Madeira Math teacher, Glen Russell, has been selected to receive The University of Chicago's Outstanding Educator Award. An Outstanding Educator shapes young minds in meaningful ways—thoughtfully approaching instruction, sharing an infectious love for learning, and caring for students both inside and outside of the classroom. Each year, newly admitted University of Chicago students have the opportunity to reflect on their time in school and nominate an educator who played a significant role in their education and intellectual growth, made a positive impact in their lives, and whose influence has brought them to where they are today. Mr. Russell was nominated by Sydney Gu from the Class of 2021. 

Before landing at Madeira, Mr. Russell worked in China for eight years, most recently at the International School of Beijing. In addition to teaching math, Mr. Russell has served as a faculty advisor for several clubs and activities, including the Duke of Edinburgh International Award, the GSA, Habitat for Humanity, and Student Council. Mr. Russell is originally from Trenton, Ontario and has a B.Sc. from Acadia University, a Bachelor’s degree in Education from Nipissing University, and a Master’s degree in Education from the University of Toronto. 

From University of Chicago: 

The University of Chicago is honored to recognize excellence in teaching and sincerely congratulates this year’s Outstanding Educator Award winners, who are exceptional in their field and role models for all students. The University deeply appreciates the lively minds who thirst for knowledge that these educators have nurtured and inspired. We thank them for going above and beyond the call of duty every day and leaving an impression that will be carried over a lifetime.

Additional information regarding the University of Chicago Outstanding Educator can be found here. 

Congratulations Mr. Russell!

#MadeiraEducators #MadeiraThrives #MadeiraMath

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