Last spring, as the world shut down and Madeira’s internship partners were no longer hosting internships, the Co-Curriculum office brainstormed ways to provide the students with elements of the program, including the development of workplace skills and opportunities for professional networking. One of the most important experiences students gain from internships is the ability to connect with professionals in certain fields or with experts on certain issues. Out of that thinking, the MAD Talks Speaker Series was created. Through this series, Madeira students connected with alumnae, parents, and internship partners, who spoke about their experiences in their professional field or about relevant issues. After the successful spring series, the Co-Curriculum Office decided to launch the Madeira Mentor Program.
Director of Co-Curriculum Andrew Sharp says the creation of the Mentor Program was program was very much an example of functioning in disaster and finishing in style.
“As we approached the new school year, we knew we wanted to maintain the connection we began with the MAD Speaker Series and saw that there was an opportunity to make this experience more individual to the students,” said Sharp. “Working with the Alumnae Office and the Alumnae Council, we developed the Madeira Mentor Program. Our vision for this program is that current students, who have developed meaningful connections with professionals in their junior or senior years, will, after they have graduated and moved into their own professional fields, want to serve as mentors to future generations of Madeira girls.”
The Alumnae Council was instrumental in securing enthusiastic mentor connections. Over 120 alumnae responded with interest in mentoring a Madeira student and so far over 50 successful pairs have been matched. Through careful planning and coordination, every senior was placed with a mentor, many of them Madeira alumnae. For the junior year experience, most supervisors also serve as a mentor offering connections or advice about the student’s policy issue area of focus. The program has been a success so far with students raving about the connection they had with their mentors and mentors reconnecting with current students.
Mentors and Mentees Praise Connection Experience:
Click here to read about the experiences of three of our successful pairs!
Alex Montanio '07 & Laila White '21
Sara Akbar '92 & Zelda Truong '23
April Carter & Salimah Hagmagid '21
INTERESTED IN BECOMING A MADEIRA MENTOR? Contact the Co-Curriculum Office at [email protected] or 703-556-8383.
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